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If you successfully added the widget, please show it off!! I’ll go look around!!!7. When you’re done entering the widget code, if you click the next button, it says, “Is this the widget feeling you’re trying to register?” Correct, or click register! Then it’s over.Then how are you going to make it? That window will pop up, and you’ll see an Instagram post (square). Then you’ll get good design examples when you create a template. We’re going to make a logo, so just click on the element.The phrases written in two lines are grouped together, so they move together, but as I used them, the g came down so much that it was pretty to write in one line, so I removed the group, and reduced the font size to one line.This is… This is an application that I often use to make thumbnails on food photos! I also use this application, other applications, and illustrations. There are many free applications, so I use this application often. Click the + button at the bottom.4. Click on registering the widget yourself. You can find out the name of the widget only for me, so feel free to type it in,I put up the YouTube logo like this. I’ll show you how to make a logo similar to this! First of all, I don’t know if Android has this app, but I need an app called Canva. It’s free for iPhone users, so install it~1. First, we upload the logo file that we just created as a private post on our blog.2. And click Manage in your blog profile.If you look at the video, you can see how to add gradation colors. Click on the text belowWhen you save it, please save it as a png file. So I’m done with my mobile… I need to register my widget with PC, so please follow me well!! 2. Let’s register your Instagram widget creation on your blog.3. Under Decoration Settings, click Layout/Widget SettingsYou can choose one that doesn’t have a pro attached to it!! There are just so many pretty fonts… I liked this font, so I brought this one and saw it.Right-click on the logo image that was uploaded in private, copy the image address, and click <img src=”copy image link” and enter width=170″ height=”170″ /></a> This is the size, and I wrote about 170*170 because it’s the prettiest, but w is the vertical size! The width h is up to 170 and the length is up to 600. 6. That’s all you’ve done!!After going around in various types, I didn’t get out of the basic Naver blog format. But in spring, I wanted to decorate it with these fresh colors. Today is a post that I’m trying to remember, and I’ll tell you everything from creating an Instagram widget image to registering on the blog, so just follow me! Come on~… 1. Create an Instagram widget logo image to register for your blog using the Canva appThen you can see my cute widget on my blog! Isn’t it so simple…5. I have to text it from here, but it’s hard, so if you leave a comment, I’ll leave a comment on the widget code so you can copy it right away! First, write <a target=”_blank” href=”Instagram address”> and enter,In spring, I changed my blog to some fresh colors! ♡♡♡ Many people don’t see it these days as a PC type, but I’m an old-fashioned blogger, so I’ve been comfortable with PCs since a long time ago, and it’s fun because I can decorate it in a more unique way than on a mobile phone.

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